My mission- is to help people become the best version of themselves.
It' starts with reconnecting with ourselves. Listening to and understanding the messages our bodies are giving us every day.
Rebalance our beings (mind, body and soul), which in Ayurveda always starts with balancing the Agni, our digestive fire. After that everything will start to fall in to place like a ripple effect.
Once you have reconnected and rebalanced all there is left to do is to radiate. The healthy glow that comes from within. Because health is happiness and happiness is health.
The Name Amsula is a Sanskrit word which means to radiate from within.
My Misson is to help people;
and Radiate.
My story :
I have 10 years of experience of being a Registered Nurse of modern medicine working in London in the NHS. I am now an Ayurvedic Practitioner and getting to this point has been such an adventure.
In 2020 I experienced complete burnout both physically and emotionally and needed a break from the nursing profession and was considering leaving. I flew to India specifically Rishikesh a week before the Covid lockdown and ended up being locked down in India for nearly 18 months. I would like to say that I found Ayurveda but it was the other way round. Ayurveda was in every conversation, mentioned in every book, was on every street corner. I realised that all my training and skills as a nurse had led me up to this point. I had found my Dharma (my life’s true purpose). Being a Nurse had been the only thing I had ever wanted to do and helping people is my passion. But I realised that Ayurveda is more in line with my values.
On reflection I have always subconciously followed the teachings of Ayurveda. I would always advise my patients on diet and lifestyle habits and prioritised patients looking after their health, while they were healthy. Of course I was unaware of the Ayurvedic medical system until I travelled India and became a patient myself.
I have always suffered with acne from the age of 14 years into adult life and the treatment I received was extensive, from antibiotics, contraceptive pills, to steroid and antibiotic creams to medication so severe that it is no longer in use due to one of it’s side effects of suicide. While the allopathic treatment gave short term relief my symptoms always returned. The Ayurvedic treatment was not only natural, it was educational. Ayurveda taught me that the root cause of my acne was something as simple as my diet, which had never once been discussed with my Western doctors. My fascination in Ayurveda started from there. My acne, chronic migraines and painful periods are now a thing of the past since following an Ayurvedic lifestyle.
Nursing had previously been my life’s work. But I now know that I want my legacy to be in the field of Ayurveda. I started my studies while in India in 2020 and finished them in London at the Institute of Ayurveda in 2024 with a grade of high distinction.
The idea of Allopathic medicine and Ayurveda working side by side is my dream, complementing each other and benefiting not only the patients experience but the patient’s medical outcome.